Dandelion Dente di leone [dˈɛnte dˈi leˈone] dehn-teh dee leh-oh-neh Forget-me-not Nontiscordardimé [nontiskordardimˈe] non-tee-skohr-dahr-dee-meh Touch-me-not Mimosa pudica [mimˈoza pˈudika] mee-moh-zah poo-dee-kah Four o'clock Bella di notte [bˈ...
The tomato is then served chilled with the cucumber. Red pimento (not marinated) and basil leaves are added for taste and looks. Finally marinade will be sieved above the whole before being served with toasted home-made bread. I cannot guarantee that the latter was vegan, though, but you c...