Il muro(the wall) has two plurals:le murato mean the walls of a city, buti murito mean the walls of a house. The same foril braccio(the arm):le bracciato mean the arms of a person, buti braccifor the arms of a chair. Feminine Nouns in -O A tiny but important category of ex...
The Funny Plurals of Body Parts If you’re looking for funny exceptions when forming Italian plural nouns, look for them in body parts. Don't be tricked by the worddito(“finger”), because the plural ofditoisdita, NOTditi!Braccio(“arm”) becomesbraccia, NOTbracci!
On the other hand, many syntactic results about left dislocation and topicalization have been accumulated. In this paper, we will try to elucidate possibilities of bare plurals in the left periphery and differentiate their readings. By examining data from Italian and German we claim that different ...
which is a formal way to say goodbye. An informal way of saying goodbye is to sayarrivedercior to tell the other person, “see you soon,” or,a presto, pronounced “ah press tow.” In more formal situations when you are taking your leave, shake the person's hand and say,buon giorno...
Frequency Three different indices of frequency were extracted from the De Mauro norms for our purposes here: absolute frequency of the root word across the corpus (word fre- quency, including all singulars and plurals), frequency for the particular morphological form ofthat word (form fre- ...
On the other hand, many syntactic results about left dislocation and topi-calization have been accumulated. In this paper, we will try to elucidate possibilities of bare plurals in the left periphery and differentiate their readings. By examining data from Italian and German we claim that ...