Note: When plural nouns are indefinite, they simply do not use an article, or they use the partitive form: i.e. cats (no article) or some cats (partitive), coins or some coins (partitive), etc. Partitive will be dealt with in another article, so we can address this concept later. ...
Unlike their definite cousins,gli articoli indeterminativi(“indefinite articles”) in Italian only exist in the singular form. They are the equivalent of the English “a” and “an”. un– “a” or “an” (standard masculine version) ...
*when you want to express the same meaning in the plural form, you use: “alcuni/alcune”: Qualche italiano parla il dialetto / Alcuni italiani parlano dialetto Some Italians speak dialect Indefinite pronouns – I pronomi indefiniti Some indefinite pronouns are only pronouns, used in the singu...
le- used as the plural form for all feminine nouns Examples: l'amico(the [male] friend)becomesgli amici(the [male] friends) l'amica(the [female] friend)becomesle amiche(the [female] friends) Indefinite Articles Here are the Italian indefinite articles. Notice that there are different forms ...
Un’ and un are both indefinite articles in Italian, and they’re easy...Read More Mastering the negative Italian imperative How confident are you with giving instructions, commands and advice in Italian? All of these require what is known as the imperative. The Italian imperative is essential...
There are a definite and an indefinite article which agree with the noun in gender and number, ragazza‘the girl’ —le ragazze‘the girls’,il cane‘the dog’— i cani‘the dogs’. Nouns and adjectives are not marked for case, but pronouns have retained some of the Latin case...
singular and plural (Lesson b_3) irregular nouns (Lesson i_3) Articles indefinite (Lesson b_2) definite (Lesson b_3) when to use articles partitive (Lesson i_3) Adjectives agreements (article, noun, adjective) (Lesson b_3) position (Lesson b_6) possessive (Lesson b_5) numbers (Lesson...
3 Italian articles (the/a, an) [0/16] Exercise on Italian articles - Fill in the blanks (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian articles definite or Indefinite articles - Single choice set (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian partitive and indefinite articles - Drag text (Score -/-) Review on...
If you want to make people believe that you are able to speak like a native Italian speaker would, you need to learn how to form plural nouns.
1. Using definite masculine articles il-lo and i-gli Articles in Italian have more forms than those in English. To refresh: Lois used instead ofilbefore singular nouns starting withs + consonant, ps, gn, x, y, z. Gliis used instead ofibefore plural nouns starting with a vowel ors + ...