and it's been popular since Byzantine times. The more common spelling of Anna is considered to be the Latin form. It's also thought to be the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary. If you like royal names, you’ll be happy to know that the ...
ThomasGranierRomeandRomannessinLatinsouthernItaliansources,8th–10thcenturiesIntheearlyMiddleAges,LatinsouthernItalywascompletelypermeatedwithRo-manness,notonlybecauseofitscloseproximitytothecityitself:language,names,roads,cities,buildingsandmonumentswereeverywhere,andmanystillare today. The southernItalian citieswhich...
completed the questionnaire (86.2% of total respondents). The insomnia scale survey showed an increase in post-pandemic scores compared to those before the pandemic, implying that insomnia levels increased after the first pandemic wave. Insomnia scores were directly correlated with anxiety levels (r ...