migrationethnic identitysocial identitiesinstitutional positionalityThis paper provides a phenomenological reconceptualisation of ethnic identity. Drawing upon a case study of a family originating in Calabria, Italy, and living in Adelaide, South Australia, I consider the way in which the three generations...
They were among the main groups targeted by Australian Government Migration Schemes in the 1950s and 1960s to deal with labour short- ages in Australia. To be accepted, individuals needed to be of European ancestry, reasonably healthy, and without a criminal record. Most of the immigrants who...
The problem of international regional concordances is a complex one, but the results of study of a particular aspect, such as the conditions of agricultural labour, promise to be of considerable value both in the administration of international migration and in the raising of agricultural ...
migration: how language attitudes associated with migrants’ L1 and L2 may affect the L2 acquisition process. The attitudes of two L2 groups (Polish and Italian) are compared to see if, in the case of speakers learning different L2’s (French and Irish English), there was a difference based...
In these countries, the rapid industrialization of the 20th century caused relevant socio-economic changes, such as the extensive decline of traditional agro-silvo-pastoral practices [13], which led to a progressive migration from rural to urban areas. The decline of forest management and the ...
“Cassa del Mezzogiorno”, the central agency in charge of public investment in the Mezzogiorno from 1950 to 1984. We do not see it as pitfall. In fact, in the early period the “Cassa del Mezzogiorno” played a crucial role in reducing the Italian divide in the 1950s and 1960s and ...
the main groups targeted by Australian Government Migration Schemes in the 1950s and 1960s to deal with labour short- ages in Australia. To be accepted, individuals needed to be of European ancestry, reasonably healthy, and without a criminal record. Most of the immigrants who arrived in Austra...
Thermophilisation is the response of plants communities in mountainous areas to increasing temperatures, causing an upward migration of warm-adapted (thermophilic) species and consequently, the timberline. This greening, associated with warming, causes enhanced evapotranspiration that leads to intensification...
Beginning as a voice for a very small Italian migration levels in Australia, but with the 1951 Migration Agreement between Australia and Italy, the needs for a settling population became greater. Though the first Italian media, La Fiamma , was established in the 1920s in Sydney, it was not ...
Essential in such a shift of ethnic identity is what I refer to as institutional positionality; that is, one's perceptions of the position of one's 'ethnic being in the world'. This is investigated by combining with the sociology of migration, including the Bourdieusian conceptual apparatus of...