WW2 Italian Tanks Carro Armato M13/40 The Carro Armato M13/40 was an Italian medium tank used with mixed results by the Italian Regio Esercito (English: Royal Army) from 1940 to 1943 in North Africa, the Balkans, and the Italian peninsula. The tank was produced in large numbers and was ...
WW2 Italian Armored Cars Autoblinda Lancia Lince When the Second World War broke out, the Italian Regio Esercito (English: Royal Army) was not equipped with a fast and lightly armored scout car. After the experience gained in the North African Campaign, in which the Italian Army captured some...
cautiousItaliannavalplannerswerealsodrivenbythefactthatlossestothe fleet,especiallybattleships,couldnotbereadilyreplacedbyItaly’sweak maritimeindustry.Thus,inessence,theItalianshadnoincentivetorisktheir fleetinashortwar. Goingintothewar,theRegiaMarinahadseveralprimarymissions. ...
Communist propaganda insisted that these were only temporary territorial losses and that Bulgaria would soon expand at Romania’s expense, creating a territorial bridge to the USSR. However, only the most ideological communists believed in the propaganda slogans that Stalin and Dimitrov would ...
mandate.68 This is a lesson that might apply all the more plausibly to a hypothetical Joint Scheme, given that the general elements of the injustices attributed to Germany are known and that the applicants would probably not seek precise amounts of com- pensation relating to material losses. ...
Italian Republic (1949-Mid-1950s) Light Tank – Unknown Number Operated The Light Tank M3, produced by the United States starting in 1941, was delivered to the Esercito Italiano (English: Italian Army) in the late 1940s. The Esercito Italiano, having been reconstituted after the previous Regio...
(English: Society of Loire Laboratories and Shipyards) converted the turrets in 1934, and they were installed in the Maginot Line works after 1936. The barrel of theCanon de 25 AC Mle.1934was shortened to 1.5 m and installed above the pair of machine guns. The three weapons could fire ...
“Without Malta the Axis will end by losing control of North Africa…”– Field Marshal Erwin Rommel quoted in ‘A History of WW2 by A. J. P. Taylor and S. L. Mayer You can learn more about the naval part of the planned invasion of Malta on our sister website, Naval Encyclopedia!
Entering service in 1942, it proved to be immediately obsolete. Given the general lack of armored vehicles, the Regio Esercito (Eng: Italian Royal Army) was forced to use them up to the Italian armistice. After that, the… Skip to the content Search Tank Encyclopedia The Online Tank ...