*The last letter agrees with the number and gender of the people we’re talking about. And here’s an interesting bonus for you! This is also the past form of essere (to be) and it often translates as “been”. For example: Sono stato in Italia tre volte –I’ve been to Italy...
‘and it will last until the human generation lasts’ b. E nel detto luogo di paradiso ciascun anima and in. the said place of heaven each soul riluce più che (non) fa il sole shine.Pres.3rd.Sg more than EN does the sun ‘and every soul shines more than the Sun in that place...
with PCA confirmed the bifactorial structure of the scale and detected two dimensions, i.e., the “Physiological dimension of fear” and the “Experiential dimension of fear”. The results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis show adequate goodness of fit and the last version of the scale, ...
That said, the sheer scope of Italian fashion, combined with the mythology surrounding many of its most famous players, has created a world that often feels impossible to grasp from the outside. Perhaps you know the names of the best Italian brands and their iconic designs but not their stor...
(1940-1945) When speaking of Italian armor during the Second World War, it is important to analyze the training that Italian tank crew members received before being assigned to frontline units. Although the Italian war industry was unable to keep up with the production capabilities of the Allied...
On New Year’s Eve, the Umbria Jazz Festival concludes with a “Last Supper of Jazz” at the Duomo of Orvieto, an hours-long open-air concert with plenty of Prosecco. It’s the highlight of this sleepy little mountaintop town, and definitely worth a trip if you want to experience ...
...un problema software relativo ad esempio ai driver o ai file (that is, the problem is due to all of the drivers and files) Unlocalized feature names Microsoft product names and feature names that aren't translated are used without definite or indefinite articles in Italian, even when suc...
the Côte d’Azur of F Scott Fitzgerald and the myriad Mediterranean places that had been unspoiled repositories of legend until the moneyed landed there with their elephant feet. “They would just buzz the door and offer them €3mn,” Mariani had said. “People always sold.” Wasn’t it...
How can firms manage a service business model that relies on labor-intensive field service, which implies high levels of customer proximity, when borders are closed and travel bans have been imposed? Hence, executives need to understand how to cope with such calamity and how, once the immediate...
pandemic emergency is reported as facilitative in the implementation of HIC: “So, compared to the beginning of the year, I didn’t have any particular concerns related to the technical aspect because we had our own experiences, last year we had done an entire four-month in a distance ...