Does anybody here have a clue to what Italian ice is??? This is not Italian ice. This is closer to shaved ice. Italian ice is closer to the texture of sorbet which this absolutely is not!! 0 Comment cupcakegirl101004March 20, 2013 rated 4 of 5 stars It was very sweet because...
I cannot claim this basic two-ingredient ice cream recipe as my own, but it is a keeper. With rising costs of just about everything, making your own ice cream (minus the churning machine) is very appealing. You can get creative with what you have on hand. There is patience in the wa...
More type of Italian restaurant crossword clue! #2 L’Enoteca A place where you can drink wines. You can usually buy the whole bottle or consume it by the glass. Here you can also find a good wine to buy and take away. The Italian Enoteche are the equivalent of wine bars in the ...
We had the best Italian food at home. Going out for Pizza was not considered going to an Italian Restaurant. It was going out for Pizza. The only thing we ate at a pizzeria was pizza, calzones and zeppoles. Period. Maybe an Italian ice or spumoni in the summer, but that’s it. So...
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Ice Cream in the Ninja CREAMi (Dairy-Free) Design Introducing Chris Loves Julia x Framebridge Chris Cooks One-Pan Roasted Chicken & Vegetables Chris Cooks Baked Pears & Rosemary Caramel product lines The Rug Guide: How to Choose a Rug by Room Color All Latest Posts WE...
iceberg (?) with 2 small pieces of salami (like 1 piece quartered and 2 of the pieces put on the plate), 2 small slices of cheese, 1 circle of pepperoni and one olive; extremely bland. The soup was good. I have no clue what the ice cream tasted like b...
When we drove in, the first thing we noticed was that the parking lot had not been plowed and that snow and ice covered everything... everything! That should have been a clue that all was not well here. Second, there was only one other car in the front parking area, also ...