Here are the Italian definite articles. Notice that there are different forms based on gender, number, and the beginning letter of the noun. Remember that articles are used to specify the application of a noun. The forms of the definite article in Italian lo- used before masculine nouns (in...
3.1 Italian definite articles (il, lo, la, i, gli, le) [0/4] Exercise on Italian definite articles - Fill in the blanks (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian definite articles - Drag Text (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian masculine definite articles (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian fe...
pronoun "cui" + definite article (Lesson a_3) Verbs auxiliary (Lesson b_1) (Lesson b_3) (Lesson b_10) essere (complete chart) avere (complete chart) Conjugations: indicativo present - regular verbs (Lesson b_4) present - irregular verbs: preferire, capire, finire (Lesson b_4) be...
In (1c), the subject is apparently introduced by the same di+art form introducing the definite set in (1a), but its interpretation is neither of partition nor of definiteness. Instead, it is indefinite as in (1b) but, unlike (1b), it is not quantified. Finally, in (1d), we ...
IS have been classified as idiopathic when another neurologic disorder is not identified, cryptogenic when a possible etiology is suspected but not identified and symptomatic when a definite etiology can be demonstrated. From this point of view it is important to distinguish if patients were neurologic...
Exercise on Italian articles definite or Indefinite articles - Single choice set (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian partitive and indefinite articles - Drag text (Score -/-) Review on Italian articles categories - Drag and drop (Score -/-) 3.1 Italian definite articles (il, lo, la, i, gli...
3.1 Italian definite articles (il, lo, la, i, gli, le) [0/4] Exercise on Italian definite articles - Fill in the blanks (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian definite articles - Drag Text (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian masculine definite articles (Score -/-) Exercise on Italian fe...