But the regions of Sardinia and Puglia are taking extra steps to curb the spread of COVID-19 by requiring visitors to pre-register to help with track and trace measures. The rules apply to both international and local visitors. The Sardinia form (access it here) requires visitors' contact ...
June 21, 2024 THE BEST FAMILY BEACHES OF SIRACUSA, SICILY June 25, 2021 Livernano – The Superior Tuscan Resort December 21, 2020 Covid in Italy During the Christmas Holiday January 24, 2020 How Tourists Are Taken Advantage of at Italian Coffee ShopsInstagram...
so many with determination to find ways around this global gut punch, that Italy will be ready for tourists again soon. There tourism groups are really quite sophisticated they had already been doing a lot of work on
COVID safety rules. We ate off of their 3 course 19.99 menu. They also had a $35 menu for 2 that included a bottle of wine. We would have loved that one but had a few happy hour drinks at another place earlier. We will definitely return for that special. For the firs...
For myself, in addition to observing all the social distancing rules here in British Columbia and usual responsibilities at home, I am painting, gardening and growing lettuce and chives, walking in nature and cooking! Cooking seems to be the main preoccupation for people I talk to. Not just ...
The timeframe of analysis casts light on the immediate response of these destinations to the Covid-19 crisis, in a time when the lockdown, which had constrained national and international mobility for months, was over but the pandemic threat was still significant and informing tourists’ choices...
It’s not over yet for Campodimele though. During normal non-Covid times, events and food fairs are staged during summer to lure tourists and offer them recipes said to contribute to longevity. Among the “miraculous” local foods are soup or pasta with cicerchie, a primitive iron-rich ve...
Customer co-creation value has become a widely used term to describe an active, creative, and social collaboration process between producers and customers,