1. Make sure you obtain several cost estimates from different service providers. By doing so, you’ll get a sense for what the average cost looks like. You can also do a little probing on the outliers. If a service seems to be particularly expensive, don’t write them off just yet. T...
This is one of the standard safeguard procedures applied by the data providers. Due to its lower coverage and high correlation with outward mobility (0.9965), we drop the indicator of inward mobility from the analysis. We offer several consistency checks in Figure Appendix B2. Panel (a) ...
demonstrating their fully biocompatibility. Cell exposure to each compound did not stimulate immune cell activation, ruling out possible immunogenicity. The ability of the compounds to inhibit of MMP-9 activity was at low nanomolar range, suggesting a good enzymatic specificity...
Many American cell phone providers can set you up with a cell phone or BlackBerry that is compatible with the European cell phone technology. Calls to Italy – Use the country code of 39 when calling Italy. Calls to destinations outside of Italy – dial 00 + the country code + the ...
My generation is the first of it's kind. Many of our households had two parents who worked with few exceptions. So when you think about it, we're a generation of children who were raised by nannies, teachers, coaches, and other care providers during the day while our parents worked to...
The description of those tools, although they represent a closely related issue both in terms of the needs it aspires to meet and of the technologies adopted as a response to the needs of patients and health care providers, is not the focus of this article. The aim of this paper is to...