Portare is a regular verb of the first-conjugation that means to carry, to bring, to deliver; to take somewhere and to transport; to wear; to support and to hold; to bear or serve; to drive; to carry forward or continue; to yield and to produce consequence. It also means to harbor...
Please type the verb to conjugate: Donation Instructions Type inside the form above the italian verb you wish to conjugate (ie: amare, temere, finire, noi siamo, io vado, che tu sappia). If you wish the conjugation in the reflexive (pronominal) form, just type the reflexive verb (ie: ...
Italian verbsare grouped into threeconiugazioni(conjugations). Each conjugation dictates how a verb changes based on what you want to express (like a tense or mood) and who is performing the action. To pinpoint which conjugation a verb belongs to—and to ensure you’re using the correct for...
In the Italian verb conjugation chart below, you can see the endings for –ere verbs: You’ll notice that these endings are not exactly the same as the endings for –are verbs, but they are extremely similar. The differences are subtle and there’s an obvious pattern. ...
Today we are staying away. Imperative and Other Conjugation Notes Note: When conjugating the imperative and gerund of andarsene and similar verbs that have two pronominal particles, both pronouns are appended to the conjugated verb: Andatevene! Go away! Andiamocene! Lets go! Andandocene abbi...
View over 500 Italian verbs in 18 tenses. With simple navigation and built in search, you can find the verb you need in seconds. Now with audio!! Not sure how to pronounce a verb? You can now hear how every verb is pronounced. Just tap on the button next to the conjugation. Note:...
His and hers, yours and mine—these are all examples of possessive pronouns, and there are only eight of these in… Italian•18 Nov 2019 Italian Verb Conjugation: The Essential Guide If you ask former language students where they gave up on learning Italian, or where they thought the end...
Italian Verbs – Verb conjugation, and soon how to speak Italian verbs Italian Music – Translation and Audio New! Belle Speranze –Fiorella Mannoia Strani Amori –Laura Pausini Caruso –Pavarotti More music, click here… Italian Phrases with Audio – Learn Useful Italian Phrases for Everyday Sit...
- MF = Match Fuzzy (*verb*) - MT = Match Tail (*verb) Go one step further and limit views to hits that match your criteria while you search [2]. ITALIAN IRREGULAR VERBS CONJUGATION REFERENCE --- The only off-line speedy App with the most comprehensive...
Are Verbs Italian 儲存 abitare 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 to live 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 bernardmiringoff 4個月前建立 學生們也學習了 ITAL 125 Unita 10 | [PG] 'I Suffissi" 6個詞語 Kinns Chapter 3 Legal Principles 老師50個詞語 Lezione 8B: Dovere, Potere, volere in the Conditional...