The world of Naruto is built on the epic rivalry between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha that pushes these two characters to their absolute limits; delving into the true themes of power, friendship, and betrayal. While all of their battles portrayed immense levels of emotional intensity, the ba...
Itachi had a profound influence on Sasuke's life. His instructions on the night of the Uchiha Clan Downfall for Sasuke to gain power at any cost caused Sasuke to isolate himself from others and avoid companionship. When he realized he was getting attached to his Team 7 comrades, Sasuke ...
but simply doesn’t care enough to help. That’s why I never liked the Third Hokage and I was rooting for Sasuke to take down the village. The place is just so corrupt and everyone always seems to get away scott free. Even not arresting Orochimaru in the Boruto series is highly suspect...
The first recorded death of Itachi Uchiha took place in episode 138, titled the end. Itachi fought with Sasuke in episode 138, and during the fight, he used some of his energy to become free from Orochimaru. As the thunderous clouds gather up above, Zetsu discovers that they were formed b...
In fact, he was ordered to murder them by the leadership of his village to stop a coup d’etat, meaning that he acted in his village’s and Sasuke’s best interests the whole time. This was done to prevent another world war between the villages, which Itachi was afraid of. After ...
The battle between Sasuke and Itachi concludes in the 393rd chapter of theNarutomanga, with Itachi finally succumbing to his illness. Sasuke is rescued by Tobi, who reveals the truth behind Itachi's actions. Tobi reveals that Itachi killed all of his friends and family members, as well as ...
Fused Momoshiki got stabbed, Naruto got stabbed, Sasuke got stabbed, and hell, even Jigen was afraid to get stabbed. Not off guard he pushed back Nope, he clearly did not give a fk about Kuma, and rightfully so. You don't expect a battered dude who's also missing a foot to do any...
As the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, Obito's power exceeded that of even Hashirama Senju, he was able to effortlesslyfight three powerful Hokagewith ease, overwhelm both Naruto and Sasuke several times, and had the capability to destroy the entire Allied Shinobi Forces. ...
and Tsukuyomi. One of its strongest is Susanoo, named after the Shinto god of storms and destruction. This power allows the user to summon a massive avatar around them that can fight on their behalf. The first character to use this ability inNarutois Itachi during his fight with Sasuke. ...
Sasuke Eye Uchiha clan have historically been known to kill those who are close to them, and that is why they experience the Mangekyo. However, to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan power, you must be able to experience the feeling or emotion of actually losing someone close to you, most likely...