It bad been a terrible experience, from the first minute to the last, and all she had got out of it were those two little stones; she was bound to set great store by them, or else admit to a mighty sorry bargain. So she kept them and in the second year of Cousin Lymon's stay ...
Don't interrupt me, I'm on the verge of a great discovery .别打扰我好吗,我马上就要有重大发现了。 3.hold someone back =prevent someone from doing 拖累... 扯……的后腿 I' ve just held you back (片中)例:I 'm doing well at work but the fact that I can't speak English is holdi...
abandon, or dismiss someone or something that has become redundant, obsolete, useless, or unwanted.例句:I can't believe that after 20 years of hard work the company would just kick me to the curb like that!I think it's about time we kick this old computer to the curb.I heard...
1643.As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of things that he would need for his work on the house. 由于不允许他陪她去商店,他写了一张他在房子里工作所需物品的清单。 1644.C...
its gonna hurt bad be its good to see you n its haunting me its late yet youre no its my pleasurewith p its none of your busi its not the case its nothing dont ment its okay its on the house its only a party in h its over there near t its over teddy riley its really nice of...
When building many factories right next to rivers for the water’s power to make machines work, some people choose to live near a river for working. They use the river to ship large goods, and some of them work at these factories where power factories provide electricity to home and ...
workplace,butatDAWN Cafethatcouldn?tbefurtherfromthetruth.Theserobots, 1 (equip)withcamerasandspeakers,can 2 (control)fromadistance,whichallowspeoplewith disabilitiestowork.Theemployeescontroltherobotsfromhome, 3 (use)theInternet.For example,ifsomeonecan?tmoveorspeak,theycanuse 4 (advance)softwaretotyp...
“It is an unusual experience for me, because I have never5(real) experienced this problem,” she said. So she hoped6(deal) with the problem. Later she created a7(use) way to predict forest fires with artificial intelligence (人工智能). Her method is nearly 90% right. “8realized that...
55、e lost items.At the police station.At the womans birthday party.Near the womans car.Near the womans workplace.Defensive.Matter-of-fact.Curious.Sympathetic.Totally Confused.Deeply frustrated.Greatly surprised.Extremely excited.To book her the three-week trip to Europe.To mail her all the info...
Don't interrupt me, I'm on the verge of a great discovery .别打扰我好吗,我马上就要有重大发现了。 3.hold someone back =prevent someone from doing 拖累... 扯……的后腿 I' ve just held you back (片中)例:I 'm doing well at work but the fact that I can't speak English is holdi...