Commissioner in Nepal, she said that she was proud of its activities andthatit would takealong timetolist them all. 关于联合王国提出的人权高专办在尼泊尔的成 果问题,Pillay 女士称对此感到骄傲,并表示需时间一一列举。
It needstobe emphasizedthatthis is the third attack on Georgian policemen on the territory adjacent to the administrative border in the last two days. 必须强调的是,这是过去两天内,行政边界线附近领土第三次发生攻击格鲁 吉亚警察的事件。
Althoughit appearsthatthere aremanyprovisions relating to the Fund, I want to stress again that this is not a new concept [...] 雖然鐵路發展基金的整體條文看起來有很多項,但我再次強調,這並不 是一個新概念,而是已經在兩條隧道上運作的現有概念。
The reason why I asked the question in the previous way is because I looked for words related to my current question in an English-Japanese dictionary and thought that they might provide the answer. 查看翻译 [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语...
the resultsverifythisresearchmodel.Thismeansthatpastperformanceoftraineewill positivelyaffectthecomputerself-efficacyandcomputerperformanceandcomputer self-efficacyoftraineewillpositivelyaffectthegoalcommitment,computer performance,andself-satisfaction.Moreover,goalcommitmentoftraineewill positivelyinflunecethecomputer...
I am not familiar with the history so I may not understand the sentence correctly, but from ...
私の日本語は、時々まるで機械が書いた文章のように不自然であるだけでなく、文の構造もどこかおかしいことがあります。ですから、もしよければ、改善のお手伝いをしていただけせんか?ご協力、よろしくお願いいたします。A literal translation of "Your help is appreciated." is 「ご協力い...
He stressed that it was based on the recommendations of the Scientific Committees of the Centre for Health Protection that [...] 他強調政府當局是根據衞生防護 中心科學委員會的 建議,決定為目標組別內約200萬人及另外50萬可能選擇自費接受 疫苗注射的人士訂購500萬劑疫苗。
It iscertain thatthiswas not the intentionofthe Working Groupandit issuggested that the phrase outlined above shall be added to paragraph 2. 显然这并非工作组的本意,因此建议将上文所列一语添入第 2 款。
(PCIJ) pondered that “[t]he question whether a certain matter is or is not solely within the jurisdiction of a State is an essentially relative question; it depends on the development of international relations” (pp. 23-24). 关于国内管辖权的论点(参见上文),前常设...