Online play optional 1 - 2 players Remote Play supported Game overview Only one thing is for certain in It Takes Two: we’re better together. Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two, a genre-bending platform adventure created purely for co-op. Invite a friend to join...
1. Grab a friend who owns the full game of It Takes Two 2. Download Friend's Pass for free 3. Play the entire game together! Because whether it’s splitting an ice cream sundae, grabbing a drink, spending the night on the couch, or going on the craziest videogame adventure of your ...
1. Grab a friend who owns the full game of It Takes Two 2. Download Friend's Pass for free 3. Play the entire game together! Because whether it’s splitting an ice cream sundae, grabbing a drink, spending the night on the couch, or going on the craziest videogame adventure of your ...
「It Takes Two」の詳細:全編Co-opのみで展開し、さまざまな要素を盛り込んだプラットフォームアドベンチャーゲームが登場。「It Takes Two」で人生最大のクレイジーな旅に出かけましょう。フレンドパス*でフレンドを無料で招待して、一緒に愉快で過激なゲームプレイに挑戦しましょう。仲違い...
Download Friend's Pass* to play It Takes Two with a friend - for free! The first level is free to play for anyone who downloads the Friend’s Pass. If a friend owns the full game, you can join them on the entire adventure for free. Because everything
Online spelen optioneel 1 - 2 spelers Remote Play ondersteund Gameoverzicht Slechts één ding is zeker in It Takes Two: samen zijn we beter. Beleef de bizarste trip van je leven in It Takes Two, een genreoverstijgend platformavontuur dat gemaakt is om met z'n tweeën te spelen. ...
It Takes Two | 双人成行 游戏实况攻略(老油条来了)共计25条视频,包括:旧仓库、木工房、树屋等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
It Takes Two Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two. Invite a friend to join for free with Friend’s Pass* and work together across a huge variety of gleefully disruptive gameplay challenges. CN¥198 Add To Cart ...
Buy It Takes Two once and get both the PS4™ and the enhanced PS5™ version. Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two, a genre-bending platform adventure created purely for co-op. Invite a friend to join for free with Friend’s Pa
Online play optional 1 - 2 players Remote Play supported Game overview Only one thing is for certain in It Takes Two: we’re better together. Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two, a genre-bending platform adventure created purely for co-op. Invite a friend to join...