If you are getting 2% conversion rates (2 sales out of 100 visitors), just by using a landing page, you can increase it up 10 to 15%. That’s the beauty of using landing pages. They always work because they are less distractive and often focus on just ONE call to action. Whether y...
and all those things that are great for the people who work with him full time, but it’s really hard when you want what he wants, which is a developer who’s going to work at night when he’s here in the US during the day. Someone ...
From this, two segments of the Fang population were derived: (1) people who had never used HIV diagnosis and treatment services in Bata and therefore did not know if they were HIV-positive or not; and (2) people who had used HIV testing and treatment services in Bata and therefore were...
stackdriver.com— Free monitoring up to 10 servers/hosted services keymetrics.io— Free for 2 servers with 7 days data retention newrelic.com— Free with 24 hours data retention nodequery.com— Free basic server monitor up to 10 servers watchsumo.com— Free website monitoring, 50 http(s), ...
How good is the ConvertBox support? From my experience so far, ConvertBox’s support has been a helpful one. For example, this was when I first activated ConvertBox on my site and it refused to show: It was a bit frustrating. Being a non-techy dude. ...