Learn how to write better with classic advice from writers such as Mark Twain (“If you catch an adjective, kill it”), Stephen King (“I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs”), and Gertrude Stein (“Nouns . . . are completely not interesting”). ...
Stephen Woima is director, head of acquisitions and divestitures, at Raymond James. Jim Wright is the new Texas Railroad Commissioner. He has appointed Kate Zaykowski, Director of Public Affairs, Christopher Hotchkiss, General Counsel, and Megan Moore as Executive Assistant....
太平天国 God's Chinese Son——The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan (美) Jonathan Spence (中文名:史景迁) 简体PDF(扫描版)英文EPUB 2017-05-032020-01-19 简介 再说戊戌变法 N/A 张鸣 简体MOBI 2016-12-16 简介 民国人物过眼录 N/A 杨奎松 简体PDF(扫描版) 2014-02-21 简介 叫魂——...
Stephen King Lincoln Child Why are the majority of the ebooks for those authors more expensive than their paperback versions? Why isn’t BN able to pricematch those books against Amazon? Nook readers paying more for…what? DRM? I mean, the paperback version of Carrie is $7.19 on BN, and...
Categories:books| Tags:mehmet murat somer,stephen baxter|Permalink. There’s only a fortnight to go until Apollo Quartet 3 Then Will The Great Ocean Wash Deep Above is officially published, so I’m now making e-ARCs available for review. I have them in PDF, EPUB or MOBI format. Leave a...
书名:Electric Machinery (Sixth Edition) 出版社:McGraw-Hill 作者: A.E.Fitzgerald,Charles Kingsiey,Jr.,Stephen D.Umans 一本经典的电机学著作,对于电机的物理概念描写的相当精妙翔实,推导论证充分。相比照国产的电机学教科书对于一些概念的提出语焉不详, 本书把一些数学推导的过程放置附录中,突出了基本概念的同...
Unreal Engine4.X By Example.pdf 以实例的形式来讲解开发过程,英文pdf格式,方便易读。 上传者:arlen_jrking时间:2017-11-06 UnrealEngine3.tar.gz_Havok_UNREALENGINE_UnrealEngine.i_编辑器_虚幻3引擎 虚幻引擎3(UnrealEngine3)源代码,包含编辑器和引擎部分的源代码。比较完整。
Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration (英) 约翰·洛克 简体PDF简体EPUB简体MOBI简体TXT英文PDF 2013-04-142013-09-132018-11-102016-05-142020-01-17 简介 自由论其它中文名:《自由四论》扩充版 Four Essays on Liberty (俄/英) 以赛亚·伯林 简体PDF(扫描版)英文PDF 2013-08-...