Emily Mateja/THE REVIEW October 16, 2023 JENI NANCE Staff Writer Once again regaining popularity on “BookTok,” Colleen Hoover’s novels have been flooding my “For You” page on TikTok. I recently got the chance to read “It Ends with Us” by Colleen Hoover – and I have a lot of...
This book review contains spoilers for Colleen Hoover’s It Ends with Us and other books in the series. If you have ever managed to stumble onto BookTok, the book side of TikTok, you know exactly who Colleen Hoover is. The New York Times bestselling auth
Our Review of It Starts with Us It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover masterfully carries on the poignant journey that was started in It Ends with Us, offering a more in-depth look at the lives of Atlas Corrigan and Lily Bloom. The narrative begins with Lily co-parenting with her ex-husba...
Book format PaperbackColleen Hoover: It Starts with Us: A Novel (Paperback) HardcoverIt Starts with Us, It Ends with Us 2 Books Collection Set By Colleen Hoover PaperbackLaura Nowlin: If He Had Been with Me (Paperback) PaperbackColleen Hoover: All Your Perfects: A Novel ...
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers。 To view it, click here。 Rated: 4。0 / 5。0 ⭐️After reading “It Ends With Us” I didn’t know if I really wanted to read this book just because I wasn’t sure that I was comfortable with Lily having to endure more...
I NEED this book to give me the closure that "It Ends With Us" didn't and couldn't give me。 I was a huge Atlas fan throughout IEWU, but I was also completely in love with and heartbroken by Ryle。 This book is what I need to hopefully get over my broken heart and move on ...
1. LikeGrass Fed GirlonFacebookand Follow on@GrassfedgirlSFon Twitter 2. Like Whole 9 onFacebookand Follow onTwitter 3. Asentenceabout why you are excited about Whole 9’s new book. ” It Starts With Food” (Enter on or before before August 3, 2012. Contest winner will be chosen ran...
Review "Colleen Hoover reminds readers that love is a fragile thing, built from courage, hope, and tears. Every person with a heartbeat should read this book." (Kami Garcia, #1 New York Times bestselling author ) "It Ends with Us is...
“she was able to get out of that relationship. and then from then on, i just remember growing up with a mother who was so strong and independent.” despite the embrace of it ends with us, the book has also drawn extensive backlash from those who believe that it romanticizes ...
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