von Humboldt (1769 –1859) defined climate as “all the changes in the atmosphere that perceptibly affect our organs”. But none could be called a climatologist, as that term came into use only well after World War II. At best the term ‘climate’ existed in the layman’s way. The ...
Although Schmitt starts off by saying that “One could test all theories of state and political ideas according to their anthropology and thereby classify these as to whether they consciously or unconsciously presuppose man to be by nature evil or by nature good” [5] (p. 58), we may well...
Mongolia’s Gobi Desert was filled with “extraordinary illusions” according to Marco Polo, was mapped by Mercator, explored by von Humboldt and collectivised by the Soviets [1]. Throughout these epochs, nomadic pastoralism and animal husbandry have been the principal livelihood in rural Mongolia...