1 Introduction Pi it (pi-it) is an Aldor [14] library for parallel computation, currently under development at ETH Zurich. It is designed to be architecture independent (heterogeneous) and runs on network of workstations, where a workstation can be a single processor or a multiprocessor ...
The line that germinated most efficiently tended to limit the number of bacteria in each spore, says study co-author Gabriel Giger, a microbiologist at ETH Zurich. “There are ways for these two partners to make a better, easier living with each other. That’s something that’s really impor...
+209 points in the past 30 days About Oplit Oplit is a company focused on production planning in the industrial sector. It provides a platform that aids in the organization and optimization of industrial production, enhancing visibility, reactivity, and performance of operations. The company's se...
school={ETH Zurich, Nr. 22616}, note={http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-010438292}} === FAQ: 1) Why dual mesh (DM) structure is needed? There are two reasons. First, these four sets guarantee the convergence. Second, we can use the updated neighbors for current position. Therefore...
We thank Klaus Abberger, Jan-Egbert Sturm and the participants of the KOF Brown Bag seminar, the 18th IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshop and EEA 2018 for the comments and discussions. We thank MeteoSwiss for providing us with the access to the weather data. All remaining errors are of...
The line that germinated most efficiently tended to limit the number of bacteria in each spore, says study co-author Gabriel Giger, a microbiologist at ETH Zurich. “There are ways for these two partners to make a better, easier living with each other. That’s something that’s really impor...
place in Zurich, was one of the first formal attempts to address the issue of software portability. ALGOL's machine independence permitted the designers to be more creative, but it made implementation much more difficult. Although ALGOL never reached the level of commercial ...