Enable your lawyers to spend more time practising law. Support your legal firm in delivering the highly valued services your clients require and streamlining engagement to maximise billable hours, instead of spending valuable time on more routine or less efficient tasks. ...
Frontline Managed Services® serves more than 900 law firms globally as a trusted partner for Managed IT Services. With extensive expertise, Frontline Managed Services paves the way in the industry to provide best-in-class services including the leading Legal Service Desk, and Cybersecurity for ...
We provide IT Service Desk for law firms of all sizes, trusted by over 300 firms worldwide, offering our clients IT support 24/7/365.
Boxtop, our Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solution, moves your IT to our private cloud, providing unparalleled security, accessibility, and productivity for your firm. Simply log in to your Windows desktop seamlessly from any location, and pick up right where you left off. ...
Discover how ArchiTechture can provide an all-encompassing Virtual IT Department that can propel your firm's success.
PinHawk Electronic newsletters for legal community Our daily electronic newsletters and web alerts keep legal professionals informed. Newsletter topics include: Law Technology; Legal Administration; Large Law Firm News and Press Releases; Corporate Law Departme......
Los Angeles IT Service Catalog IT Services for Law Firms - IT Support Los Angeles The legal industry in Los Angeles is thriving for the law firms that know how to capitilize on it. BCT Consulting - IT Support LA is here to help you grow by giving you the support you need. We work...
How do IT services improve client service in law firms? Law firms rely on their computers and document management systems to communicate effectively while ensuring work gets done in a timely manner. In addition, confidential client information must be secured against hackers and cyber threats in gen...
Intermedia's law firm IT services help safeguard privileged communications so you can maximize billable hours while helping to assure client confidentiality.
Eliminate your law firm’s bottlenecks and disorganization in 90 days to guarantee repeatable awe-inspiring client outcomes. Securely access client files from anywhere. Streamline communication while increasing accountability. Use tech to create one source of truth and higher capacity to deliver sophisticat...