The IT-BPM sector contributed a share of over seven percent to India’s GDP in fiscal year 2022. Exports from the sector also increased gradually over the years. As of financial year 2023, Tata Consultancy Services was the largest IT services company in India, with a market capitalization of...
In today's world, one cannot deny the magnitude of energy use. It is a necessity in every field and can be categorized as renewable and non-renewable energy. The importance of renewables cannot be overstated since the non-renewable resources will not last forever. Once they...
FreeKaaMaal members earn GVs for their contribution to the site. The points that they receive can be redeemed to shop online, mobile recharge, etc. Together we stand as a community of like-minded 2,50,000+ members. We are, as we always were, India’s No.1 Bargain-Hunting Website ...
From the inception of this JV, 100 trained and experienced TATA Technologies professionals will ensure robust and immediate contribution to software projects. The JV is likely to grow quickly to a four-digit number in the following years. Our collaboration with Tata Technologies will accelerate our ...
industry contributed a massive $1.8 trillion to their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021, while India is expecting a similar 10% contribution to their GDP from the tech sector by 2025. So, what steps have these countries taken to achieve such success, and how can Bangladesh follow others?
What would it take to double the rate at which expensive solutions become cheaper? Where might the worst bottlenecks occur, and how could they be preempted? How could a thoughtful portfolio of net-zero opportunities be constructed—and one that also mirrors each stakeholder’s co...
Both the employee and employer contribute to a fund that aims to provide financial support to the employee when they reach retirement. A provident fund is managed by the government, with sets minimum and maximum contribution levels. Investopedia / Michela Buttignol ...
Together with the growth of new technology and inventions, for example, IoT, large statistics, artificial intelligence, cloud solutions along with blockchain, etc, the international IT sector is forecast to flourish further, and the present topIT companies in the world for 2023, identified this lis...
Integrin beta8 (ITGB8) is involved in the endometrial receptivity. The blastocyst first interacts with the luminal endometrial epithelial cells during its implantation; therefore, we have investigated the signaling of ITGB8 via FAK and VAV-RAC1 in the en
In business IT, the emphasis will be on digitalization and automation of product development, production and sales. From the inception of this JV, 100 trained and experienced TATA Technologies professionals will ensure robust and immediate contribution t...