It's a Wonderful Life 《生活多美好》is an American Christmas drama film. It was produced and directed by Frank Capra. It was b(1)___on the short story The Greatest Gift. The short story was written by Philip Van Doren Stern. The movie c(2)___out in 1946. The famous actor, James...
我父亲可不赞同你的观点 Anyway, my father didn't think so. 在他眼中 他们都是有血有肉的人... People were human beings to him, but to you, 但你这个乖戾的怪老头 却把他们当畜牲看待 a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle. 在我心中 他死了都比你富有 Well, in my book, he died ...
It's a Wonderful Life: Directed by Frank Capra. With James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell. An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never exi
A lot of people asking for help for a man named George Bailey. 很多人都在为一个叫乔治·贝利的人祈福 George Bailey? 乔治·贝利? Yes. Tonight's his crucial night. You're right. 的确今晚可是他的大限之日 We'll have to send someone down immediately. Whose turn is it? 得立即派个天使下凡...
慢慢地能够在没有师傅帮助的情况下修好有故障的家电工作得到的报酬也足够他生活在一间不大的公寓里通过自己的努力让自己能够独立生活并不断保持着积极向上的心态,对未来充满期待It's a wonderful life.当然,朋也的生活中少不了智代这就是朋也目前的家(应该可以称为家)智代经常在放学后到朋也家来帮忙打扫做晚饭...
It's a Wonderful Life美好人生When you are playing with your toys,do you sometimes wish they could come alive?Mr Magorium, a 243-year-old man, owns the most magical toyshop in the world, theWonder Emporium. There, all the toys for sale are alive. A frog does his own shopping.The soc...
看片笔记——《It's a Wonderful Life》 1.Potter的残疾大亨形象非常典型啊,从Potter到《西部往事》中的铁路大亨直到《Rango》中的市长,他们的共同特征都是残疾人...这个形象是暗指大兴凯恩斯主义,连任4届总统,威胁自由市场基础的罗斯福么? 2.资本主义共同富裕的神话啊,在George来到没有他的宇宙中的时候,满街都...
全名:智代アフター~It’s a Wonderful Life~ 发行商:Key 分级:18+ 发售日期:2005年11月25日 关键词:后传,人生,亲情,现实,努力,希望 史诗级神作Clannad的后传作品,以女主角之一的智代作为核心,我很少单独写FD或者后传类作品,因为该类作品主要是对原作的延续或者补完,能在剧情和思想上有所突破的为数不多,...
电影《It's a wonderful life》 《美好人生》(It's a wonderful life)是一部很老的电影,1947年拍摄的黑白片。电影史上的经典,每年圣诞节都会重播。我大概看过三四遍了,它属于我最喜欢的电影之一。 它的故事很温暖,也很鼓舞人心。 主人公乔治在圣诞夜丧失了对生活的信心,准备自杀。于是,上帝派了一个天使,来...
The article reports on the production of the movie "It's A Wonderful Life: The Rest of the Story," a sequel to the movie "It's A Wonderful Life," directed by Frank Capra in 1946, as of November 18,