깨비뚝딱 엑셀 2021, 10,800원 Play IT! 스파이크 프라임, 18,000원 Windows Internals 7/e Vol.2, 63,000원 2024 시나공 컴퓨터활용능력 2급 실기 총정리, 16,200원 2024 시나공 컴퓨터
IT之家5 月 23 日消息,联想集团今天公布 2023/24 财年第四季度及全年业绩。 联想集团所有主营业务在第四季度全部同比增长,总体营收提升 9% 至138 亿美元(IT之家备注:当前约 1000.5 亿元人民币),净利润同比翻番至2.48 亿美元(当前约 17.98 亿元人民币),个人电脑以外业务的营收占比扩大到近 45%,创历史新高。
Belated ITR Filing:If you miss the ITR filing due date, you can still file a belated return, but you must do so by December 31st of the particular assessment year. For example, if you miss the July 31, 2024, due date for the financial year 2023-24 (assessment year 2024-25), you c...
Iptables -t nat -A PROXY -d $proxy_server_ip -j RETURN # Ignore LANs IP address Iptables -t nat -A PROXY -d -j RETURN Iptables -t nat -A PROXY -d -j RETURN Iptables -t nat -A PROXY -d -j RETURN Iptables -t nat -A PROXY -d 169.254....
国内领先的it类资源分享论坛,分享it学习视频教程及资料文档等,论坛涵盖大部分it学习方向,包含思科认证及华为认证等网络技术,Oracle和MySQL主流数据库技术,所有软件开发和网页开发技术,Linux技术,Windows Server服务器,Vmware和Citrix虚拟化技术,以及hadoop和Openstack云
CIOs struggle to keep up with the record pace of technology innovation and its impact, opportunities and risks for the enterprise. Learn what emerging technologies are on the horizon that must be on the CIO’s radar. Cybersecurity Reframe cybersecurity as a business issue in response to chan...
三星今日发布了 2023 年第四季度盈利预估,利润暴跌 34.4%。预计全年营业利润为 7.49 万亿韩元(IT之家备注:当前约 404.46 亿元人民币),而索尼的营业利润预估则为 1.17 万亿日元(当前约 569.79 亿元人民币)。简单计算,2023 年索尼的利润将比三星高出逾 165 亿元。
Family-friendly practices (FFP) are viewed as an important tool to achieve equal opportunities and a supportive culture, with potential benefits for the organizational image and its employer branding. To date, however, there is an imperfect understanding of whether FFP affect firm performance and wha...
Ukrainian refugees would also have access to free education for their children and legal employment. People with disabilities would receive a per diem. “We will provide it for as long as it needs to be provided,” he said, noting that there is no expiration date set for this provision. ...