尚学辅导 采访了Monash各大专业的10位学长学姐,编写出2021Monash S2最全选课指南,请持续关注 ️ 俗话说课程选的好,天天像高考。“尚学”辅助大家完成选课的重要一步。 选课宗旨: 1、参照你的course map,不要漏选了核心专业课无法毕业。 2、不管课有多难,人多可以抱团就不怕。 3、家里没矿一定不选水课,...
4、2020届的学生应该是只能选修course map之外的一门选修课,所以大家选课的时候别太嗨了,注意政策改动!! 5、一定不要着急选课,开学后很大概率你不喜欢你选的tutor还是要换,即使是个黄金时间,给你钱你也要换课。所以没选到好时间没关系,选老师 + 选兴趣最重要! 必修课- FIT5057 课程概况: 没有final,在文档...
选课可以根据自己所选择Major/Minor在对应的Course map里找到自己的必修,Course Map里会告诉你还有几门可以留作选修,如果不是duo major的同学的选修课选择会比较多,不知道选什么的话可以看看Arts的课程。Arts的课程都是ATS开头的,相当一部分都没有前置课程要求,具体可以通过搜索课程号在Monash网页上看到,再此我跟同学...
2021. “Công nghiệp văn hóa: Để ghi dấu ấn Việt Nam trên bản đồ kinh tế sáng tạo thế giới (The Cultural Industry: To Leave a Mark for Vietnam on the Map of the Global Creative Economy).” Accessed June 16, 2022. https://tuoitre....
To be honest, I’ve never liked the distinction between building and buying when it comes to software. Of course you shoud buy rather than build – if, somehow, there’s a third-party product that does exactly what you need, has the same roadmap for future development as your co...
Today we are showing off the map that started the push towards France 1940 for us. It is of course Stonne, perhaps the most famous of the battles in the immediate aftermath of the German breakthrough at Sedan. +1 2193 udk吧 dyck330 udk僵尸脚本该发的我下面会发。。。能解释的也会解释,...
In addition to that, Malaysia is home to a number of branch campuses of international universities such as the University of Nottingham, Monash University, and Curtin University. Besides, many Malaysian universities have been featured on the lists of prominent university rankings by Times Higher ...