i.e. the first and last letters of “wholesome”) followed by DEB (i.e. “girl coming out”, short for debutante). The whole is then reversed (indicated by “climbing” – this being a down clue), like so: BED-EW.
Find answers for the crossword clue: Coin with a torch on it. We have 1 answer for this clue.
#1: To get more clue words, see if you can tweak the words you've already found, by adding an "S" or other variants. And if you find a word like WILL, see if other letters are close enough to help you make SILL, or BILL. #2: Once you get one theme word, look at the puzzl...
Crossword Heaven Clue Answer Tip: Use ? for unknown letters, ex: answ?rHome Clue Search Word Search Submit New Clue Support the Site Links ContactClue: It has a peal for Londoners?We have 1 answer for the clue It has a peal for Londoners?. See the results below....
It's a gas. And it's easier to reclue a crossword puzzle than to change a fill. Its all over.What is its ``all'' and what is it over? It's a long story.It would take a long time to drag the story out of me. It's an honor to be appointed associate vice-- ...
Apparently the practice in Crossfit is to give women's names to workout routines and the exercises in those routines match up to the letters in the name. Now we don't do Crossfit but for today anyway we borrowed that naming scheme. In the hour I was doing yoga, our instructor Lisa ...
But a new NASA study may have found a clue that one is orbiting a planet some 635 light-years from Earth. The inference comes from a vast sodium cloud spotted in space. Whatever is causing it produces about 220,000 pounds of sodium per second. ...
You may also like:The most unionized states #95. Wendys Pixabay #95. Wendy's - Positive opinion: 70% - Negative opinion: 10% - Neutral opinion: 19% - Have heard of brand: 99% Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas opened the company’s first restaurant in 1969 in Columbus, Ohio, and named ...
#1: To get more clue words, see if you can tweak the words you've already found, by adding an "S" or other variants. And if you find a word like WILL, see if other letters are close enough to help you make SILL, or BILL. ...
After MTV launched in August, 1981, Tom Freston and John Sykes went to one of the few markets where we had been available from the launch date--Tulsa, Okla. Their mission was to find even a faint clue that MTV was finding an audience and having an effect on selling records. We needed...