AEval uat i on Model of Organi zat i on ITGovernance Maturi ty。 WANGKanl i an91 SUNXi aol i nl j YAOBOIj (1.School ofManagement, Xi ’柚Ji aotong Uni versi ty, Xi ’al l 710049.Chi na; ? 2.School ofManagement, Xi ’an Uni versi t y ofFi nance and Economi cs,Xi ’al ...
1 定义与原则: 首先我们先大概了解一下IT战略过程管理(IT Strategic Process Management,即ITSPM),《图解CIO工作指南》对IT战略的解释为“为实现企业管理层确认的企业经营或管理的战略而制定IT支持和服务的方案”,那么IT战略过程管理则为“为实现企业管理层确认的企业经营或管理的战略而实施的IT支持和服务的活动”。I...
项目管理知识领域(project management knowledge area)指的是项目经理必须具备的重要知识和能力。项目管理工具和技术(project management tool and technique)用来帮助项目经理和他们的团队进行十大知识领域设计的项目管理,从而完成工作。 项目群(program)是指“一组相互联系的项目,宜采用协同方法进行管理来获得收益和进行控制...
a) 伯克利项目管理过程成熟度模型(Berkeley Project Management Process Maturity Model),由Young Hoon Kwak博士和C. William Ibbs博士联合开发的模型,简称(PM)2模型; b) 美国顶石计划控制公司(Capstone Planning & Control, Inc.)的项目管理成熟度模型,系取自于(PM)2模型,与此模型名称一致,本文简称Ca-PMMM; ...
Read also:What is an ITSM assessment, and how does an ITSM Maturity Model help? Top ITSM Tools 1.Service Desk SolarWinds Service Desk (formerly known as Samanage) iscloud-based ITSM software as reliable as it is robust. It has a slew of features, from change management tracking to self-...
Two additional important services, Knowledge Management and Service Asset and Configuration Management, are also outlined in the Service Transition volume of ITIL. The Knowledge Management process is a set of best practices for gathering, analyzing, storing, and disseminating knowledge and information ...
IT service management (ITSM) is the process of designing, delivering, managing, and improving the IT services an organization provides to its end users. ITSM is focused on aligning IT processes and services with business objectives to help an organization grow.Benefits...
IT service management (ITSM) is the process of designing, delivering, managing, and improving the IT services an organization provides to itsend users.ITSMis focused on aligning IT processes and services with business objectives to help an organization grow. ...