【独立游戏发行商 itch.io 怒批 NFT 为骗局,顺带 Diss 了一众游戏厂商】独立游戏发行商 itch.io 在推特中怒批时下火热的 NFT,并称其为“骗局”。尽管 NFT 在去年才出现,但游戏行业已经出现了一些拥簇者,比如育碧、Square Enix、科乐美等,玩家……详情点击:O独立游戏发行商 itch.io 怒批 NFT 为骗局,顺.....
IT之家2 月 7 日消息,独立游戏发行商 itch.io 在推特中怒批时下火热的 NFT,并称其为“骗局”。 尽管NFT 在去年才出现,但游戏行业已经出现了一些拥簇者,比如育碧、Square Enix、科乐美等,玩家们也对 NFT 游戏内容持褒贬不一的态度。 近日,国外的独立游戏平台 itch.io 公开表态,反对游戏行业的 NFT 化。 NFT...
《俄罗斯方块》《扫雷》二合一,益智游戏《Tetrisweeper》上线 Steam IT之家4 月 17 日消息,独立游戏创作者 Kertis Jones 在 Steam 上架了一款别具特色的小游戏《Tetrisweeper》,预计近期发售,目前游戏已经在itch.io上开放试玩,感兴趣的玩家可以尝试一下。 这是一款结合了《俄罗斯方块》和《扫雷》玩法的游戏,,落下...
Welcome to Game Maker Studio: Build Space Game & Sell it on Itch IO course. This is basically an extensive project based course where you will learn step by step on how to build a variety of cool games using Game Maker Studio and potentially generate passive income by selling the game on...
This may not work on Steam or itch.io versions of the engine. Don't quote me on that. 📦 Set-up You might want to check the 🙋♂️ FAQ below before starting. It has valuable information and context you might want to know. ...
The game store itch.io is having another Creator Day where they take no cut from sales. They also have a sitewide sale for the whole weekend.
FromPiazza:“Re: VA. How will they hire contractors to support ramped-up go lives when the federal government is cutting contracts? Who would take those jobs, especially if start and end dates are soft?”That will be one of the VA’s many challenges. It might have been easier had the ...
The three difficulties start the player off with less lives, the player takes more damage, the items are dropped less. From 5 enemies killed to drop an item to 15 enemies killed to drop items. Since the harder difficulty is so much more of a handicap, the players are rewarded with bonus...
Make sure you stay up to date on all the latest free games available on Itch.io. Anytime a new free game is available... Itch.io, Discord
音乐节奏BL手游《美股达人》体验版今日在itch.io平台上线,募资预计将于8月21日开启,支持中文。本作结合音乐节奏游戏的玩法,配合着音乐的节奏律动,爽快的打屁屁。看着角色的被打到红润的Q弹屁屁,全身压力仿佛一扫而空。 û收藏 269 13006 ñ9407 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度...