Well, I met some friends, played football in the park, had one of those delicious ice creams from that new shop, then went shopping and bought some new jeans and a new jacket! And then… Jiaying Rob! Stop! Rob Why? I’m ...
It's almost six o'clock, so let's call it a day and carry on with the building work tomorrow. Feifei 你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。以上我们给大家举例讲解了在日常对话中 “call it a day” 的意思和用法。我们用 “call i...
The movement for prohibition began with concerns in the early 19th century about the negative effects of drinking. The National Prohibition Act was ineffective and failed to control the distribution and use of alcohol, and led to an increase in organized crime. Still, it remained in effect until...
that cruising in the left lane is illegal: “Arkansas law states, you cannot continuously operate a motor vehicle in the left lane of traffic.” So the next time you feel the need to cruise in the left lane remember that if you are not passing someone and you linger in the left lane ...
But it IS illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket in the Commonwealth. Naturally, I have NEVER seen anyone break this law. I'd imagine--at the risk of going out on a limb--that most people like to hold their ice cream cones in their hands. I know I do, so I'...
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Zimbabwe had recorded 23 coronavirus cases and three deaths as of April 16, but many fear that the true numbers could be much higher because of the lack of Covid-19 testing capacity here.
the grey room full of spent casings and desecrated souvenirs, who longed for the diplomacy of war and mocked the global constraints on his sovereign, hawking pre-emptive strikes before testifying by proxy on the brief ride of a best-seller then slowly fading into oblivion, who ate Zimbabwe ...
Sorry to be a bore but I'm based in Zimbabwe, Africa and will be shipping this all from the States! I need to really make sure it's all the right stuff. :eek: Antec P280 Black Super Mid Tower Computer Case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129179 SeaSonic ...
The routine of warming up my car, especially in the Winter months has been going on since I got my drivers license. How could it be illegal to warm up your vehicle in New York or anywhere? It's your car, it's not against the law to start your vehicle, so why would it be ...