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Also Read:Internet Marketing Jobs in Pakistan Iftikhar Shah—Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB)—Managing Director said that at annual APICTA Awards, Pakistan IT firms have regularly won the top-class awards and many Pakistan’s IT firms are ranked among the world’s fastest developing companies...
Revision of Assistance Package for the Families of Government Employees Who Die in Service:::Government of the Pakistan, Establishment Division Notification / O.M. No. 8/86/2018-E-2 dated 17-August-2018 ::“that who appointed on contract basis during 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015 shall be co...
ISLAMABAD, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan's President Arif Alvi said on Sunday that the government has been taking measures to support the country's information technology (IT) sector to promote economic and scientific development. "The incumbent government is extending all kinds of support to th...
ITjobsthathadpreviouslybeenoutsourcedtotheGlobalSouth. UsingdatafromtheILO,wefoundthat,onaverage,lessthan1percentof employmentinChina,India,andBrazilisintheITsector(figure2).10By contrast,over2.5percentoftotalemploymentinGlobalNorthcountriesis intheITsector.Duetodatalimitations,theILOaveragesincludeonly Brazil,...
“As China and Pakistan are jointly establishing technology zones, safeguarding this growing communications has become a priority. Chinese technologies, including those in AI, big data, and quantum computing, could play a transformative role in Pakistan’s IT sector,” Jaffri noted. ...
29 October 2024 – Attackers are using ever more sophisticated approaches to infiltrate a sector that is increasingly within reach, writes Nicolas Furgé, President Digital, Marlink Read more Blog Cyber risk management needs to be embedded in operations 23 October 2024 – An increase in digitalise...
All the hype about Indian IT sector makes it hard to believe that it is Pakistan, not India, which has widely deployed biometric identification technology to i…