Blaming loan officers for why you can't pay your mortgage is like blaming your university for you not paying back your student loans. Imagine suing your company for letting you go because you no longer wanted to work. We're infected with this entitlement mentality that must be squashed. ...
Adult culpability for what happens to their students is a wake up call to all elementary and secondary school staff. The Ohio State Education Department takes this responsibility seriously. Their anti-hazing code warns that any adult who “recklessly” permits hazing, or who has knowledge of the...
Nature is eternal. The common sense truths of Nature are eternal. Case in point. If I said to you that it would be best for lions if tigers were brought in and placed among them, that we would have strength from diversity, you would probably think me crazy. Of course tigers and lions...
It’s human nature. If you are pushed into doing something you don’t really want to do your heart won’t be in it. You won’t do it properly – you’ll just be going through the motions. And if you are seriously miffed at being boxed into a corner, you may even decide to puni...
A ChatGPT-authored essay is basically the uncanny valley in prose form: it looks like a reasoned and structured argument, but it lacks the idiosyncrasies and depth that make it, well, human. I’ll say this much for AI—it has pulled off the feat of making me grateful to find an essay...
didn’t have that space. I didn’t either. I did what I needed to survive, and I broke over and over again. My adolescence was a string of Faustian bargains, and I stumbled into adulthood yoked to some skewed culpability manufactured by the very people who forced me into those ...
Such being the reasons which make it imperative that human beings should be free to form opinions, and to express their opinions without reserve; and such the baneful consequences to the intellectual, and through that to the moral nature of man, unless this liberty is either conceded, or asser...
It is astonishingly meta, and astonishingly informed about its own nature. I’m not sure what to make of it – it deconstructs itself from the inside in a way that I had frankly not thought within the vocabulary of 1960s film-makers. It’s clever in a way that far too few films are...
And this Sitution we experience allows the gods to wash their hands of culpability, cleanse their conscious of this indiscretion, this compromise, for in their eyes now they have made it up to the disfavored. And the leveling of the global playing field continues. ...