其句型的基本结构:It's high (或good)time that sb did/should do sth.如,It's high about that we struggled(或should struggle) for our dream. 是时候为梦想拼搏奋斗了。It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop是时候该采取措施阻止。
以下是一些典型的“It is high time that”例句,并通过这些例句来详细解析其用法。 例句及解析: It is high time that we went to bed. 解析:此句表示“我们该上床睡觉了”。注意,虽然主句是现在时态,但从句却用了过去时“went”,这是“It is high time that”句型...
1.It is high time that后面的从句常常使用虚拟语气,即动词使用过去式Ved 例如:It is high time that hewentto bed.(他早就该上床睡觉了。) 2.It is high time that后面的从句可以是肯定句或否定句,具体取决于说话者的意图。 例如: It is high timethat westa...
it is high time that例句 It is high time that we start taking climate change seriously and take action to reduce our carbon emissions. It is high time that the government implements stricter gun control laws to ensure the safety of its citizens. It is high time that we prioritize mental ...
“it+is+high+time+that”是一个表示紧迫性的句型,主要用来表示某种行动或决策已经迟迟没有被采取,现在已经超过了合适的时间。从句中的动词通常要使用虚拟语气,它可以直接跟动词原形,也可以使用第三人称单数形式。需要注意的是,该句型通常用于口语和非正式的文学作品中。除了用于表达紧迫性的情况外, “it+is+high+...
1. it is high time that的基本意思是“早该”,用来表示某件事情本应早就发生,但迟迟未发生。这种表达方式常常带有强烈的感情色彩,暗示已经拖得太久,现在已经迫切需要采取行动。2. it is high time that的使用也常常带有责备或批评的意味,暗示某个人或某个团体已经迟迟未能履行他们的责任或义务。三、it is...
It is high time that:现在是……的时候了,是时候……例句:It is high time that we should tell him the truth.是咱们该奉告他实情的时刻了。Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve the current situation.因此,采取一些必要措施来改善这种情况已经是当务之急...
It is (high) time that 后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但should不可省略。 It is time that the children went to bed. It is high time that the children should go to bed. 以上就是新东方在线小编为大家整理的“2024年12月英语四级语法系统复习:It is (high) time that”的全部...
It's high time that this roomwasproperly cleaned! 这个房间早该好好打扫打扫了。 It is about time that this managementwasrectified; there can be no delay. 现在是整顿这种管理的时候了;不能再耽搁了。 ● It is about/high time that ...,that从句中,谓语动词也可用should虚拟语气(should +原型动词...