1.通常在'it is found that'前面会有一个主语,即进行研究、调查、报告等的组织或者人。 2. 'it is found that'用于引述事实或者研究结论,需要有具体的数据或者信息来支撑。 3.在正式的文书或者学术论文中,可以使用更加正式的替代词,比如'according to the research conducted by'或者'as reported by'。 总之...
it is found that用法 'itisfoundthat'是一种常用的表达方式,通常用来引入某一事实或结论。它可以在科学研究、调查报告、新闻报道等文本中使用。 例如,'it is found that smoking is a major cause of lung cancer'表示已经发现吸烟是导致肺癌的主要原因。 在使用该表达方式时,需要慎重考虑所引用的信息源的可信...
1It is found that family size might cause people to be shy.Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy.Growing up alone,they often play by themselves.They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big 8.8. A.countries B.cities C.teams D.families 2It is fo...
It is found thatthefeasible Trunk Road routeing is along the foreshore of Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. devb.gov.hk devb.gov.hk 結論是可行的主幹道 路線是沿灣仔及銅鑼灣海岸線的走線。 devb.gov.hk devb.gov.hk Ifit is found thatassistance is needed in the matter, ...
网络据发现;人们发现;据认为 网络释义 1. 据发现 考研翻译补充:... ... It is expected that… 人们希望,……It is found that…据发现;人们认为,…… It is mentioned that… 据… blog.sina.com.cn|基于21个网页 2. 人们发现 第一部分 - 免费文档下载 ... It is believed that… 人们相信……It...
it is found that用法it is found that用法 'itisfoundthat'是一个常用的表达方式,通常用于在论述中引用研究结果、调查数据等,表示某一事实已经被发现、证实或确认。例如: - It is found that regular exercise can improve cognitive function in older adults. 发现定期锻炼可以改善老年人的认知功能。 - It is...
it is found that是什么意思 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 it is found that 人们发现。。。 双语对照 例句: 1. It is found that two distinct regions exist in the flow field. 发现了在射流的流场中,存在着两个不同的区域。 . 很高兴为你解答! 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢! 分析总结。 发现了在射流...
it is found that是什么意思 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 it is found that人们发现。。。双语对照例句:1.It is found that two distinct regions exist in the flow field. 发现了在射流的流场中,存在着两个不同的区域。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!结果一...
aThe Negro is still not free one hundred years ago since the Emancipation Proclamation has signed. So they come to America’s capital to fight for freedom and equality. At that time, Martin Luther King make a speech named “I have a dream”. He say that Negro should struggle on the ...