It is better to befearedthan loved Hello everyone‚ my name is Catarina and with Carolina and Rafael’s help‚ we are going to prove how and why we feel this statement is wrong. We believe that is way better to be loved thanfeared. Lets start with simple definitions. Fear is ...
“Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets”. Besides fluffy Norther...
Again, it is impossible to know how much Iran’s leadership recognizes this, but it seems most likely that if we have noticed, they have too. Splitting the United States from its Sunni Arab allies has arguably been Iran’s preeminent foreign-policy goal since the 1979 revolution. Doing so ...
They should know that sex, especially where a woman’s pleasure is concerned, is a learning process. Since women’s bodies constantly change, it’s a never-ending learning process. And maybe that “pressurises” some women and their partners. Poor babies! Would it be better for them to ...
Jimmy: “It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question.” J S Mill Massimo: I really...
To be clear, it’s not like the future is maleinsteadof female. The future isn’t genderless, either. Indeed, the future isbothmaleandfemale, just as the entire history of humanity up to this point has inherently been. Yes, we as men are collectively treating women better than ever befo...
You are also better situated to actively listen to the parent. When there is a problem or concern: Wait until you calm down before you call. Choose your words carefully; use non-labeling words that describe the situation instead of disparage the child, especially if you are sending something...
The (FK)time has come, the (FL)day is near—panic rather than joyful shouting on the mountains. 8 Now I will shortly (FM)pour out My wrath on you and expend My anger against you; I will (FN)judge you according to your ways and [bx]bring on you all your abominations. 9 My ...
Because he “saw” the reality of it in Paul, and feared. There is much more to this story; the magistrates feared as well, and it would be great if you could read this with spiritual vision and see as I did, how some “show praise and song” with much more than their voice. ...
Don’t be the guy who gets to own the slaughterThat waits to happen should I be defeated. If I take Georgia, all falls into place.If not, my father holds me in disgrace. 12/7/20(044)Giuliani has COVID’s the header.Of course, we all hope he gets better.Though his case is ...