A trademark is a recognizable insignia, phrase, word, or symbol that denotes a specific product and legally differentiates it from all others of its kind. A trademark exclusively identifies a product as belonging to a particular company and recognizes the company's ownership of the brand. Trademar...
A technical term for this shift between grammatical categories, for example when a process (verb) is represented as a thing (noun) or a quality (adjective), is grammatical metaphor (cf. Halliday, 1989/1993; Martin, 1990/1993). In contrast, resources of everyday language can function as a...
as is well known, speak of the certainty felt through the whole East,about that time,that universal empire was on the point of passing into the hands of men of Jewish origin. This belief, says Tacitus, was “contained
3、问题:Read the following choice items for a conversation and predict the question.A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.B) It lists the various challenges physicists arc confronting.C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved.D) It is one of the most fasc...
is a word which in the form of its expression is like'cutting' or 'building': yet the one denotes a certain quality-i.e.a certain condition-while the other denotes a certain action. in thesame manner also in the other instances. refutations, then, that depend upon language are drawn ...