ITIL is a public framework that describes Best Practice in IT service management. It provides a framework for the governance of IT, the ‘service wrap’, and focuses on the continual measurement and improvement of the quality of IT service delivered, from both a business and a customer perspect...
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is one of the IT Governance frameworks that provides a systematic approach to IT Governance. In reference to this research, the study is based on secondary data. The study is focused on understanding the ITIL framework in relation to IT Governance. Additionally, ...
信息技术基础架构库(IT Infrastructure Library, 简称ITIL)是由英国国家计算机和电信局(Central Computer and Tele-communications Agency)开发的一套IT服务管理(ITService Management, 简称ITSM)标准库。它将英国各个行业在IT管理方面的最佳实践归纳形成为一套独有的规范,旨在提高IT资源的利用率和服务质量。如今,ITIL已成...
ITIL4国际认证 ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library,信息技术基础架构库)是全球公认的IT服务管理最佳实践框架。 ITIL4作为ITIL的最新版本,提供了对IT服务管理实践的客观、严谨、可量化的标准和规范。它旨在确保IT服务能满足企业的业务需求,提高...
ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. The acronym was first used in the late 1980s by the British government's Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) when it documented and distributed dozens of best practices in IT service management. However, ITIL no longer ...
ITIL即IT基础架构库(Information Technology Infrastructure Library)由英国政府部门CCTA(Central Computing andTelecommunications Agency电脑电信局)在20世纪80年代末制订,归纳了英国各行业在IT服务管理方面的最佳实践。ITIL为企业的IT服务管理(ITSM)实践提供了一个客观、严谨、可量化的标准和规范。
ITIL(IT Infrastructure Library信息技术基础架构库),是目前业界普遍采用的一系列IT服务管理的实际标准及最佳实践指南,包含着如何管理IT基础设施的流程描述;它以流程为导向、以客户为中心,通过整合IT服务与企业业务,提高®企业的IT服务提供和服务支持的能力和水平。ITIL 可引导组织高效和有效地使用技术,让既有的信息化...
ITIL Foundation ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) provides a framework of Best Practice guidance for IT Service Management. ITIL is the most widely adopted methodology for IT Service Management in the world. It provides a practical, framework for identifying, planning, delivering and supporting IT ...
常见的ITSM框架包括ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library)、COBIT(Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies)等。 流程设计是IT服务管理项目中最重要的环节之一,通常基于ITIL 来进行,用来规范和协调团队工作。常见的流程管理含事件管理、问题管理、变更管理、配置管理、服务水平管理等。 刚...