Enterprises madecost optimization a top priorityin 2023, amid economic challenges and tight budgets. While some factors such as inflation appear to be easing, industry executives believe organizations will keep a close watch over their IT investments next year. That certainly looks to be the case w...
Share the 2024 IT Trends report Introduction Efficiency and Productivity Adoption and Implementation Security and Privacy Trust in Data Quality Decision-Making Introduction We commissioned the survey – 2024 IT Trends: AI: Friend or Foe? – to gauge the IT industry’s perception of AI today. We...
如需更深入的分析,请查看我们的2024 年全球技术趋势,进一步了解企业计划如何在来年实现 IT 方法现代化。 2023 年 8 月至 9 月,红帽对超过 706 名信息技术主管进行了调查,他们都任职于营收超过 1000 万美元的公司,在硬件、软件或云服务的采购方面都至少是决策影响者。受访者名单是从红帽客户和红帽精选合作伙伴中...
The Top Trends issue of Pipeline covers 2024-2025 technology trends like AI & GenAI, B/OSS for self service, improving CX, UI & UX data design, IoT & network security, private wireless networks, and bridging the technology skills gap. Click to learn more
There are alsogame-changing technological trends for businesses. IT trends in business will reshape the future of commerce and industries. Automation and digitization will make a lot of changes in customer experience. Many jobs will become obsolete but a lot will also open up. ...
[2] 往期优选 路透社:遭黑客攻击后,工行向美国子公司提供90亿美元流动性支持 星展银行事件追踪:IT变更冻结六个月 四大行核心系统信创下主机,工行中期胜出 中国系统重要性银行名单(第三季) ...
The tech industry’s trajectory remains promising. As sectors integrate advanced technologies, the demand for skilled professionals will only grow. Emerging Trends to Watch - Remote Work: Companies are adopting hybrid models, expanding opportunities for freshers across regions. ...
IT的发展趋势 (Trends in IT Development) 随着技术的不断进步,IT行业也在不断演变。以下是一些主要的发展趋势: 1. 人工智能的崛起 (The Rise of Artificial Intelligence) 人工智能(AI)正迅速成为IT行业的核心驱动力。无论是在自动化工作流程、数据分析,还是在客户服务中,AI都展现出了巨大的潜力。企业正在积极投...
なお、本調査レポートは、『 idc futurescape : worldwide it industry 2023 predictions (idc # us50435423 、2023年10月発行)』の日本語翻訳版である。 table of contents:目次 idc futurescape figure figure: idc futurescape: worldwide it industry 2024 top 10 predictions エグゼクティブサマリー idc ...
本調査レポートは、『 idc futurescape : worldwide it industry 202 4 predictions - japan implications (idc # jpj50150423 、2023年12月発行)』に付随して作成されたものである。itサプライヤーの2つの役職、営業リーダーとマーケティングリーダーに対する提言を提供している。 table of ...