It Follows: Directed by David Robert Mitchell. With Bailey Spry, Carollette Phillips, Loren Bass, Keir Gilchrist. A young woman is followed by an unknown supernatural force after a sexual encounter.
Movie News Maika Monroe promises that They Follow will be even more disturbing than the first outing. By Jonathan Fuge Jun 17, 2024 Why It Follows Needs a Sequel Focusing on the Entity's Story In It Follows, a mysterious monster serves as a metaphor for trauma. With a sequel now in...
Maika Monroe will reprise her role in the It Follows sequel, with director David Robert Mitchell's also returning. ByCameron Bolton Oct 31, 2023 It Follows: Why the Horror Movie Is One of the Scariest Films of the 2010s It Follows was one of the scariest films of the 2010s. Here, we...
Cinephiles tend to be reluctant to call a new movie a favorite, instead favoring tried and true paradigms, but It Follows is a rare contemporary film that immediately struck a wide swath of viewers — myself included — as a modern classic upon its release in 2014. Comfortingly familiar yet...
It Follows - Trailer No. 1 Movie Details Theatrical Release:March 27th, 2015-Buy Tickets On DVD & Blu-ray:July 14th, 2015-Buy DVD Movie Budget:$2,300,000 Movie Box Office Gross:$23,374,076 (Worldwide) Original Language:English
The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News ‘Squid Game’ Creator Breaks Down ‘Heavy’ Season 2 Finale Death, Mid-Credits Scene Clues and When Season 3 Is Coming 12/27/2024 by Jennifer Maas and Matt Minton Variety - TV News Fox News’ Sean Hannity and Ainsley Earhardt Engaged ...
Michael O'Sullivan
Chung-Sook shakes off her shock and follows Mun-Kwang down the dark staircase. 75 INT. MANSION - SECRET ROOM - NIGHT 75 MUN-KWANG Babe! Babe! We get glimpses of the dark underground bunker as Mun-Kwang waves around the flashlight on her cell phone -- low ceiling, gray walls, a ...
Still, in the end,It Followsis well-crafted and gets under your skin. The allegory of the entity to HIV or another sexually transmitted infection is a bit ham-handed at times but if the metaphor is one to make young people who watch the film better understand consequences of bad decision...
Teen Movie ‘It Follows’ Is Only U.S. Film in Cannes’ Critics’ Week Lineup (Updated) The Critics’ Week section at the Cannes Film Festival has selected 11 films from seven different countries for inclusion in its 2014 program, along with 10 short and mid-length films. The sole ...