【解析】 例文 My Robot I have a robot. Its name is BoBo. It looks like a dog. It's useful. It can do many things for me. It can sing and dance. It can tell stories. It can walk and dance. It can help me clean the floor, because it never feels bored. It can also wake m...
In one word, Father’s love like water, deep and soft, which makes great differences in my life. [详解] 1.题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作。在写作时应注意选取一个给你留下深刻印象的人、事或物,对你现在的生活造成了影响。结合自身经历,谈谈你当时的经历以及现在的感受。 2.例文点评:例文采用三段式...
18、1.Danny studies in a m_ school in Shijiazhuang.2.This kind of clothes feels c_.iddleomfortable3.Was there l_on Mars(火星火星)?4.Children should be careful with f_ because its dangerous.5.Can you give me two p_ of paper?ife ireieces()根据句意及汉语提示完成句子根据句意及汉语提...
😖it feels like everything is that way because it does not look like a English sentence to me at all😖 [Notícias] Ei você! Aquele que está aprendendo um idioma! Você sabe como melhorar suas habilidades no idioma❓ Tudo o que você precisa fazer é ter sua escrita corrigida por ...
Translation Assignment 第 1 题第 2 题 Writing Practice: Asking for feedback 第 1 题 Unit Test 3 第 1 题 单选题 (1分) To start a group discussion, what can you do to break the ice and make everyone feels comfortable? A Explaining the topic.B Allowing everyone to introduce themselves....
is running very fast.It even kicks a lion away.In the desert,a small lizard (蜥蜴) feels hot.It even begins to “dance”.In a city,a monkey walks around a park.It takes a 17. man’s water bottle away. But life is 18. difficult for animals.They have to fight wit...
@nomadatlatlThey feel the same, but B-2 "with" feels a little more straightforward. Most of the time, it's preference.You might already know, but there is a general rule when you should use one over the other when "with/about" means "regarding."The sentences with ❌ below are ...
“It feels like dinner because we were up so early,” said Peter, as he passed his plate for more apple pie.When the children had finished, they helped Mother put everything away in the right place.Then Mother said, “I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a while. Go out to ...
例文《关于加强我市校园安全工作的几点建议》开头这段,首先强调安全工作的重要性,指出做好这项工作是不容推卸的责任。然后话锋一转,指出学校安全工作中尚存在一些隐患和漏洞。请同学们把这句带有转折性的话语找出来。 关于加强我市学校安全工作的几点建议 XX市人民政府: 学校安全工作事关全市广大师...
At 7 a.m. the next morning, I am the first person on the beach in my bathing suit. I dive into the water. I scream about how good it feels. Toweling off afterward, I talk to anyone within earshot about the temperature of the water. ...