Captain Robert Mudge begins Chapter One of his story, "Adventures of a Yellowbird" ('Yellowbird' refers to Northeast Arilines' then new Boeing 727 aircraft, painted yellow, to begin trunkline service from Boston to Florida) with this compelling sentence. "It is perhaps the world's good fo...
Updated every day. Columns, reviews, Flash movies, games... There's something for everybody, as long as everybody is an idiot.
For an overview of Carrot2 lexical resources, see: --> <str name="carrot.lexicalResourcesDir">clustering/carrot2</str> <!-- The language to assume for the documents. For a list of allowed values, see:
If you want a quiet oncall rotation, it’s imperative to have a system for dealing with things that need timely response, but are not imminently critical. This classical article has now become a chapter in Google's SRE book. The Google SRE book's chapter about oncall Writing Runbook Docum...
just think of them as giving us a magic way of generating ID numbers. It doesn't particularly matter what the values are, as long as they're unique for each member. (When you're ready to learn more about how to useAUTO_INCREMENTcolumns, Chapter 3, "Working with Data in MySQL," cove...
Your thoughts… Georgia onThe other side of trainin… kitcat onFinal year. Catherine on1 year left. shedidwhatnextonNone of us are getting out of… Bigpikachu onOh, the places you’ll… Blogroll Absolutely Beautiful Things All Cats are Gray at Night ...
- There is more to repentance than sorrow. - We always associate repentance with sorrow, shame, and serious self abasement for wrong doing. But there is more. There is the joy that comes afterwards. While true sorrow for sins is a definite component of t
s perfectly okay to end a chapter with people going to sleep or starting one with characters just waking up. You just can’t do it with every single chapter. In this case, the ending of the chapter would have actually been stronger if it had been with Travis agreeing to hold Abby ...
Each one had their own method of managing stress, but ultimately it always came back to their relationship with God. Let’s take a look at a few examples with very brief summaries. Adam (Genesis 3:6-10) –Moment of stress – After disobeying God and eating from the tree of knowledge ...
, and particularly the national One now lately instituted–for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us....