If you want a quiet oncall rotation, it’s imperative to have a system for dealing with things that need timely response, but are not imminently critical. This classical article has now become a chapter in Google's SRE book. The Google SRE book's chapter about oncall Writing Runbook Docum...
and sharing this life with those around us, the tide might yet be turned. If we remain inward looking, if we focus on our own culture and habits, if we spend all we have on building in stone and wood, then the tide will fall upon us. I have no ...
He [Henry] caused stakes bound with iron sharpe at both ends of the length of fiue or six foot to be pitched before the archers, and of ech side the footmen like an hedge, to the intent that if the barded horsses ran rashlie vpon them, they might shortlye be gored...
The book is fast-paced, with short chapter after chapter of carefully researched and engagingly written mini-histories of many of early America’s most important and fascinating events, from the arrival of the Pilgrims to the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence. I’m currently r...
Your thoughts… Georgia onThe other side of trainin… kitcat onFinal year. Catherine on1 year left. shedidwhatnextonNone of us are getting out of… Bigpikachu onOh, the places you’ll… Blogroll Absolutely Beautiful Things All Cats are Gray at Night ...
5-14-07 Laura Notes: Stalking Darkness: I've updated the Laura Notes page with incredibly detailed chapter summaries and increasingly phoned-in analysis of Stalking Darkness, sequel to Luck in the Shadows, which, forty days and nights later, perhaps you have finished reading! Enjoy please! (...
where she became famous as a teacher of children with learning dis- abilities, rejects of the conventional educational system. The essay ends with the well-known story of Prof. Douglas Spettigue's discovery. after Grove's death, of his ~disreputsble European origins; he had once been ...
Here ends one fast trip through early airline developmnet with a view of some of the hardware that assisted. It took more than hardware. It took people who were willing to venture. Here are some thoughts on the human component in airline development: Captain Robert Mudge begins Chapter One...
- There is more to repentance than sorrow. - We always associate repentance with sorrow, shame, and serious self abasement for wrong doing. But there is more. There is the joy that comes afterwards. While true sorrow for sins is a definite component of t
s perfectly okay to end a chapter with people going to sleep or starting one with characters just waking up. You just can’t do it with every single chapter. In this case, the ending of the chapter would have actually been stronger if it had been with Travis agreeing to hold Abby ...