Don't waste money on interest or late fees. Paying off bills and debt should be the first priority for your budget.Set up auto payor, if you fear risking overdraft fees, set calendar reminders to make sure you pay on time. As a bonus, paying off bills in a timely fashion can improve...
Don't waste money on interest or late fees. Paying off bills and debt should be the first priority for your budget.Set up auto payor, if you fear risking overdraft fees, set calendar reminders to make sure you pay on time. As a bonus, paying off bills in a timely fashion can improve...
I don’t watch TV much, but I was flipping channels the other night and ran across the debut episode of Hopkins, which caught my attention because I’d just interviewed Stephanie Reel (although I confess I alternated between it and Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List, which I’d never...
Do with that what you will however it certainly isn't the basis for a good money making method. If you were really expecting to pay $10k and receive around $90-100k from the wall safe in the time the popularity dropped back to 0% you're dreaming. ...
s my opinion. Anyway, I got accused of a lot of things that aren’t true and as an indie author really got pushed around cause I didn’t have a big publisher or agent to fight for me. I was wondering in a group like this…Does it frustrate you that your sales don’t count ...
Don’t worry if you can’t wrap your head around this doctrine and don’t persecute those you can’t either? I think that’s what you meant, what you said to Jacob Eddie. Not to worry about it? In fact Jesus said not to worry about anything! Right? My two cents and I got a ...