A large amount of reading and other work is often assigned to be done outside class, and students are expected to take full responsibility for completing these assignments and asking questions in class about those areas they don’t understand. As a rule of thumb, students spend two to three ...
A grammar teacher mentioned to me something about the nominative case being used after the verb “to be” and not the usual objective case (”me”) that I thought it should be. He said the verb “to be” was an exception, but I can’t find anywhere that this is written down as suc...
Virus/malware scans show no malicious activity, but something doesn't seem right.Please help me get rid of this. If you need further info, please ask.[Saving space, attachment deleted by admin] evilfantasy Malware Removal Specialist Genius Posts: 12,354 Calm like a bomb Logged #1 ...
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