(Have you tried turning it off and on again?) 英剧《IT狂人》(The IT Crowd)完美再现了技术人员一句“重启”解万难,网友看完纷纷表示:太过真实! 点击观看爆笑视频 其实,程序员(programmer)并不是修电脑的专家,只是因为大众的刻板印象(stereotype)而被迫修理了很多不该他们修的电脑。 在“极光大数据”的2018...
The IT Crowd 《IT狂人》 “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”. Back in 2006, cult comedy writer Graham Linehan (Father Ted) set about a new sitcom. So he tapped into the confusion and lack of respect that goes into the office IT d...
The IT Crowd 《IT狂人》 “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”. Back in 2006, cult comedy writer Graham Linehan (Father Ted) set about a new sitcom. So he tapped into the confusion and lack of respect that goes into the office IT department. The series proved to be a hit...
One other person had a part in the story of this café -- he was the former husband of Miss Amelia, a terrible character who returned to the town after a long term in the penitentiary, caused ruin, and then went on his way again. The café has long since been closed, but it is s...
I've tried turning it off and on again and nothing happened. 我重启了 还是不行 Is it definitely plugged in? 插头插了没 Oh, let me have a look. 我瞧瞧 Oh, sorry, that's it, thanks very much. 抱歉 还真没插 非常感谢 You're welcome then. ...
那边正好缺个主管Andtheyneedanewmanager. 太好了Ohfantastic! 我的同事怎么样So...thepeopleI'llbeworkingwith,what'retheylike? 标准的书呆子Standardnerds! 你好I.T.部HelloI.T.? 重启过没Haveyoutriedturningitoffandonagain? 边上的钮亮不亮OK,well,thebuttonontheside,isitglowing?
Have you tried turning it off and on again? 你试过关机再开机吗? OK, well, the button on the side, is it glowing? 边上的那个按钮,它亮着吗? Yeah, you need to turn it on! 对,你要打开它! The button, turns it on?! 按钮,打开了吗?!
im just lonely and bl im just planting seed im just playing my ga im just so jammed upw im listening but ther im living to love you im lookin back on yes im losing in crowd im mainly in charge o im making the wall in im michael scofield im not a girl not yet im not a plastic...
他会用一些你很难想象的非常夸张的表现手法,比如在第一季中的「火焰屏保」一本正经的胡说八道,却让人笑到还有灭火器着火。我从来没见过甚至听过有比灭火器着火更离谱且搞笑的事情了吧这还不算,镜头一转「Made in Britain - 英国制造」,这算是把自己国家完整的黑了一把其实了解英国文化的人应该会懂,英国人...
Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation, and Katie ___ she’d be able to run it with Aunt Maria’s help. Aunt Maria didn’t have any experience on business, but she is always called “___”. As Maria blew into ...