为了取得成功,___消除缺陷,创造各种优越条件原本,___但有时因为各种客观条件的制约,并不能取得预期效果。在这种情况下,若能反向思考,对缺陷巧妙地加以利用,或许就可以将缺陷转化为优势,变被动为主动。 依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
Look forextremethoughts withpolarizedviewpoints (i.e. someone or something is good/bad, right/wrong, nice/evil, etc.). You don’t have to do anything else but be aware of these thoughts without reacting to them. Let them play out in your mind. Whatstoryis your mind creating about the ...
When you replace face to face interactions with video calls (or even worse with messages on Slack), a significant part of the information is lost. You still exchange using words, but emotions somehow become hidden. Thus, it's crucial paying attention not only to the words but also to ...
"Cells that have “center across selection” formatting options applied are not correctly redrawn after a calculation. This can create "redraw artifacts" or the appearance of a recalculation problem." It could be a problem related to the display driver as well. Check, if the compatibility ...
Incrementally speaking it demonstrates just why the addition sewer loading closer to the outlet is likely incrementally worse case in its application control costing,environmentally,also. As we’ve observed today your river had not equalized its hydrology in rise rate with the drainage backing,per low...