PKD’s Exegesis: it begins I am about a month behind in the Exegesis read along, but I still want to post some thoughts. You can see my intro post about it here. The first fifty pages (and to be honest, I feel the pattern will hold for the entirety of the volume) are an odd...
Billy Connolly’s story begins in atenement flat in Anderstonon the unloved south western outskirts of Glasgow, where he is raised by his aunts, one of whom is the sadistic Mona, a nasty woman who takes particular delight in physically and verbally assaulting her wee nephew. Connolly finds hi...
It begins in a familiar place: a world on the brink of environmental and civilizational collapse. A Nigerian physicist, recruited to a lavishly funded Hail Mary project to discover a last-ditch solution for the world’s imminent demise, invents technology that allows her to move between different...
“I dreamed a dream.” Now it begins, these things I remember. If I remember, then it is passed. As Paul states, “I have been crucified with Christ.” Nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ who lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of ...
I still have a copy of what I wrote. It’s about a door to nowhere that stands on a beach. It begins like this, “On the beach, just above the high tide line, stood a door. Despite the fact that it had no logical business being there, it stood foursquare and solid, and anyone...
The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning. 15 不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。 Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is...
“Update Office Every Three-and-a-Half Minutes Shuffle,” which has William facing the cold, hard fact that he’s renting his entire life. As the demons pour from the Whitening, we both realize that you can’t even trust water. Our Two Topic Episode™ begins in earnest as the TV ...
a big no-no. Yet judgment is holiness’ necessary reaction to sin in a holy God. When a church begins to focus more on the Social Gospel/Social Justice Movements, over the power of the Christ of the cross, such a church will have lost its compass and drift into theological liberalism....
The best coverage/insights of Trump’s Gaza decision you will hear – begins shortly over 1 hour in. I am not a “Q 4D chess” person but I must admit after giving it more thought that Trump’s comments about America “owning Gaza” do seem to involve more than meets the eye. ...
Even when faced with the impossible, it’s always worth fighting for a better future. Square Enix Zack’s call to action lays the groundwork forRebirth’s finale. In its penultimate chapter, Aerith’s fate begins to feel more inevitable as the world quite literally narrows. Where most of ...