Chrissy Philp’s presentation on time ( ably shows how time does not exist other than as a human construct. The level of approximation inherent in probability...
SlideShare上一个演示稿,也是讲IBM JVM的 What Your Jvm Has Been Trying To Tell You Cygwin tells you Windows java.exe default thread stack size JVM'02上的一篇论文 sEc: A Portable Interpreter Optimizing Technique for Embedded Java Virtual Machine 看起来跟之前读过的字节码压缩技术差不多 顺带几...
Rasmi Sinha, SlideShare Amanda Steinberg, Soapbxx and Jeanette Symons, Imbee Shanna Tellerman, Wild Pockets, Autodesk Selina Tobaccowala, Ticketmaster Genevieve Thiers, Sangita Verma, Tag Network Margaret Wallace, Rebel Monkey Niniane Wang, CTO, Minted Lena West, xy...
legally we were advised to never talk about pricing. This included buying and selling price. The Sherman Antitrust Act covers price fixing and includes civil and criminal penalties. (accessed on 12 June 2018). Patel, Nevil. 2014. TCS ILP Training—Procedure. Experience and Facilities. Available online: https://www. (accessed on 9 April 2018). Playfair, Eddie. 2016. Skill Shortage, Training Shortage...