上映日期:1946-12-20(纽约首映) 片长:130分钟 又名:莫负少年头(港) / 风云人物(台) / 美满人生(澳) / 美好人生 / 哀乐人生 / 美好生活 / Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life IMDb:tt0038650 豆瓣评分 9.3 109929人评价 5星 69.2% 4星 ...
A Hero's Homecoming Uncle Billy's Crisis The Plea To Potter Clarence's Leap Of Faith George Bailey Doesn't Exist Answered Prayers The Richest Man In The World Buffalo Gals (Duet By George And Mary) 喜欢听"It's A Wonderful Life: The Record (1946 Film)"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· It's...
今天下雨天,抽出点时间写一点东西,姑且就写点有关电影的吧。今天我要说的这部电影就是拍摄于1946年的老电影-《生活多美好》,英文名字《it's a wonderful life》。我们先看下这部电影的豆瓣评分: 此部影片的品质不需我多说, 这是一部老片,同样也是一部经典的电影,其优秀的品质并没有随着时光的流逝而淡去。
《生活多美好 It s a Wonderful Life (1946)》影评 核心观点:《生活多美好》的核心在于展示“每个生命的价值与意义”,以及“个人如何在其生活中留下积极的影响”。这部电影深刻地探讨了人类情感中的希望、爱与牺牲,在艰难时刻如何找到生活的真谛。对我而言,它不仅是一部影片,更是一次心灵的洗礼和自我反思的...
It's a Wonderful Life: Directed by Frank Capra. With James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell. An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never exi
中英文剧本hargeorgewonderfulonight IoweeverythingtoGeorgeBailey. 我的一切都是乔治·贝利所赐 Helphim,dearFather. 请帮帮他慈爱的天父 Joseph,JesusandMary, 圣约瑟圣子耶稣和圣母玛利亚 helpmyfriendMr.Bailey. 请帮帮我的朋友贝利先生 HelpmysonGeorgetonight. 今夜请帮帮我的儿子乔治 Heneverthinksabouthimself,...
A lot of people asking for help for a man named George Bailey. 很多人都在为一个叫乔治·贝利的人祈福 George Bailey? 乔治·贝利? Yes. Tonight's his crucial night. You're right. 的确今晚可是他的大限之日 We'll have to send someone down immediately. Whose turn is it? 得立即派个天使下凡...
上映日期:1946-12-20(纽约首映) 又名:莫负少年头(港), 风云人物(台), 美满人生(澳), 美好人生, 哀乐人生, 美好生活, Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life imdb编号:tt0038650 类型:剧情, 爱情, 奇幻 简体中文名:生活多美好 语言:英语, 法语 ...
他们必须等 省吃俭用 They had to wait and save their money 攒够了钱才能盖像样的房子 before they even thought of a decent home. 等? 等什么? Wait? Wait for what? 等到孩子成年了 离开他们那时候? Until their children grow up and leave them? 等到风烛残年那刻? Until they're so old and ...
今天抽出点时间写点东西,姑且就写点有关电影的吧。我要说的这部电影是拍摄于1946年的老电影《生活多美好》,英文名字《It's a wonderful life》。此部影片的品质不需多说,它是一部经典电影,其优秀的品质并未随时光流逝而淡去。虽然当年未获奖,但在IMDb上第31位的排名足以证明它在观众心中的地位...