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Furious, Dzhanik Fayziev (2017, Russia). I’m not sure what the English title is meant to evoke – bafflement, I would have thought, rather than anger – given that the original Russian, ЛегендаоКоловрате, translates as Legend of Kolovrat and the movie is about…...
In case You like to watch overseas dramas and looking for a more Platform where it is possible to find these dramas with subtitles, you can Watch Sub Indo Online Drakor (Nonton Drakor Online Sub Indo) that way too at no cost. We are going to talk about these programs in detail. These...
It has been suggested – although generally not by credible scholarly sources – that Cleopatra was racially black African. To be blunt, there is absolutely no evidence for this, yet it is one of those issues that seems to take on a life of its own despite all indication to the contrary....
Furious, Dzhanik Fayziev (2017, Russia). I’m not sure what the English title is meant to evoke – bafflement, I would have thought, rather than anger – given that the original Russian, ЛегендаоКоловрате, translates as Legend of Kolovrat and the movie is about…...
The sequel to this film, Bad Lieutenant: Port of New Orleans, is in many respects a typical Nicolas Cage movie – ie, completely batshit and more often bad than it’s anything else – but it was also directed by Werner Herzog, who also does batshit but does it well. And in Bad ...