ChatGPT frequently appears in the media, with many predicting significant disruptions, especially in the fields of accounting and auditing. Yet research ha
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yucz / v2ray yuexie123 / v2ray yufi113 / v2ray yulewang / v2ray yunerduo / v2ray yunsite / v2ray yuntou / v2ray yupianduo / v2ray yuqing / v2ray yuuk95 / v2ray Yuuki1st / v2ray yuzhigang / v2ray yxliang / v2ray z16166 / v2ray ...
. . . . . 32 1 Introduction The missing transverse momentum (ETmiss) is an important observable serving as an experimental proxy for the trans- verse momentum carried by undetected particles produced in proton–proton (pp) collisions measured with the ATLAS detector [1] at the Large Hadron ...
M. Czakon, A. Mitov, NNLO corrections to top pair production at hadron colliders: the quark–gluon reaction. JHEP 1301, 080 (2013). arXiv:1210.6832 [hep-ph] 46. M. Czakon, P. Fiedler, A. Mitov, Total top quark pair production cross section at hadron colliders through O(αS4). ...
15 May 2020 / Published online: 1 August 2020 © CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration 2020 Abstract The results of a search for electroweakino pair production pp →χ˜1±χ˜20 in which the chargino (χ˜1±) decays into a W boson and the lightest neutralino (χ˜...
Bingshen Wang <> Boaz Shuster <> Brandon Philips <> <> Brandon Philips <> <> Brent Salisbury <> <> Brian Goff ...
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The measured Fnr;1 show only a weak dependence on ηref for ηref > 3 or ηref < −3 at the LHC. Measuring rn|n;k for k > 1 provides new information on how the vn asymmetry and event-plane twist fluctuate event by event. If the amount of decorrelation for the kth-moment of ...
1. Introduction The 3D-printed medical devices, including exoskeletons, are a distinct and an easily personalised group of medical devices [1,2,3,4,5]. 3D printing technology forms the basis of mass customisation in the manufacturing industry, especially in the area of healthcare, but also in...